Sprinkler & Outside Water Use Meters

A separate water meter for sprinkling and outside use is available. Because this water is not discharged into the sanitary sewers, sewer charges on this water are not applied.

The meter hookup must be done in accordance with the policy of the Water Works and Lighting Commission 82 (which is the state plumbing code). The additional piping to accommodate the new meter and to separate piping, is the responsibility of the property owner. A plumbing permit is required to change piping for this meter.

The Homeowner may do installation if it is a single family home which they reside in. Single family rental, duplexes and commercial type buildings require a license plumber to install piping for a sprinkler meter.

Once piping for the meter is completed, the plumbing inspector will inspect the piping and issue an order to the Water Works and Lighting Commission to proceed with the meter installation.

To obtain a plumbing permit, please contact the Plumbing Inspector at Wisconsin Rapids City Hall.

Plumbing Inspector – 715-421-8227.